2001 ϰ SMT ƲŸ
߽ϴ. ȸ Exhibitor Visitor SMT 䰡 ȸ
ϱ ȸ ϴ. 2003 Tyco Electronics 븮 ü 1 Ǿ
ִ SMTȸ APEX Tyco Global best seller ӱ
MPS-1025 / MPS-1025P ǰϿ, 2004 ̷ Pick and placement ȸ
Concept "S to S"(Smart Software Solution to Smart SMT system)
ϱ Booth space ߽ Ű S/W
LEA(Line Efficiency Analysis) ÿ ν ҽϴ.
γ , ñ Needs ذ ִ Pick and Placement system
2004 ǸŴ ӵ ˴ϴ.