미래뉴스 담당자 오시는길

Company Overview

We will strive to build a future industry that
can embrace the world with change and innovation.

Future Industries will become a world-class,
top-tier company.

Mirae Industries is a semiconductor equipment (test/inspection) company that develops, manufactures, sells, and services post-process inspection equipment (Test Handler (ATE)) and SMD Mounter (SMT) in the semiconductor process field. It aims to be the best in the world and is committed to a global competitive environment. We will become a technology-based global leading company with the technology and know-how to respond.

Expanding global sales through overseas dealer networks and
We will strengthen our network with customers.
Not only what the customer wants, but also what the customer
wants even if the customer does not say anything.
When we provide solutions that can move,
we can embrace the world in our arms.
We will grow as a company.

From now on, Future Industry will start again with you.

Thinking about the future of everyone working with the future industry,
We will be reborn as a small but large company that practices ESG management.

회사명Company Name : Mirae Corporation
대표이사CEO : Lee, Chang Jae
설립일Date of Establishment : January 27, 1983
사업분야Core Business : Semiconductor Equipment (Memory, Logic, Flash,
  Burn-in-Sorter Test Handler) / SMD Placement System /
  Mask Manufacture Equipment