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- Platen–Core Type
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담당자연결 - Tel 041-559-8749/010-3885-5803 Fax 041-559-8738 Email lmtsales@mirae.com

01ML-PCT Series
Platen, Core type, Tiny Class Linear Motor
02ML-PCS Series
Platen, Core type, Small Class Linear Motor

- ML-PCS series has the most improved drive force by applying laminated core inside the Mover. Also the Stator magnet is placed only on one side : therefore, the cost of this system is lower compared to the U-shape Linear Motors.
- - High density force
- - Continuous driving force : 150~400N
- - Maximum speed : over 2m/sec
- - Most economic design solution
03ML-PCM Series
Platen, Core type, Medium Class Linear Motor
04ML-PCL(e) Series
Platen, Core type, Large Class Linear Motor
05ML-PCL Series
Platen, Core type, Large Class Linear Motor
담당자연결 - Tel 041-559-8749/010-3885-5803 Fax 041-559-8738 Email lmtsales@mirae.com